Shared Visioning
We can help you. . .
We can help you
- Assess what kind of vision is the best fit for your organization: a vision that is generated by leaders, or a shared vision generated among stakeholders
- Find common ground among multiple stakeholders to grow a vision from the shared values within your organization
- Ensure that your shared vision is inspirational, but properly bounded by what is appropriate, grounded in what is realistic and founded from among those responsible for enacting the future
- Use visioning or shared visioning as an applied tool for organizational development
Learn more about Ion’s Shared Visioning Model
Introduction to ION Shared Visioning Model
Laying the Foundation for the Vision or Shared Vision
Ensure that visions are grounded in values but appropriately bounded by organizational realities and priorities
- Organizational inquiry and assessment (determines best fit; a vision or a shared vision)
- Vision process design
- Vision parameter setting
- Vision leadership team training
Visioning and Shared Visioning
Use shared visioning as an applied tool for organizational development
- Introduction to ION Visioning Model
- Stakeholder engagement
- Stakeholder communications
- Shared values identification
- Organizational identity development
- Vision statement writing
- Organizational development plans
Integrating the Vision
Incorporate the vision into your organization’s DNA
- Linking vision to strategy
- Communications strategy
- Brand blueprints
- Leadership development for shared vision
Laying the Foundation for the Vision or Shared Vision
Ensure that visions are grounded in values but appropriately bounded by organizational realities and priorities
- Organizational inquiry and assessment (determines best fit; a vision or a shared vision)
- Vision process design
- Vision parameter setting
- Vision leadership team training
Visioning and Shared Visioning
Use shared visioning as an applied tool for organizational development
- Introduction to ION Visioning Model
- Stakeholder engagement
- Stakeholder communications
- Shared values identification
- Organizational identity development
- Vision statement writing
- Organizational development plans
Integrating the Vision
Incorporate the vision into your organization’s DNA
- Linking vision to strategy
- Communications strategy
- Brand blueprints
- Leadership development for shared vision
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Watch for Janna Jorgensen’s book on Shared Visioning coming soon!
Think we can help your organization? Get in touch!